Quality and Environmental Policy
Nihon Seiko Co., Ltd. Quality and Environmental Policy FY2024
Quality and Environmental Philosophy
Nihon Seiko, as the leading manufacturer of antimony products in Japan, contribute to adding high value to products and improvement of products quality by both promoting product developments in accordance with the requirement of customers and performing to keep "High quality" and "Stable supply".
Also, we perceive global environmental issues as one of the most important management tasks and promote to raise company-wide environmental awareness. We contribute to the preservation of the global environment and the improvement in environmental performance through our activities, and pass the beautiful earth to the next generation.
These social contributions correspond with the concept of "SDGs", we work to solve social issues and to develop local communities through our business and corporate activities.
Quality and Environmental Policy
1. Continually improving effectiveness of the quality and environmental management system
We incorporate quality improvement and environmental protection into our management system.
Specifically, we comply with the requirements of ISO9001 and ISO14001, and continue to improve effectiveness of our management system.
2. Building customer satisfaction level high
We keep providing trustworthy products and services, by feeding back our customers requirements and expectations to our quality management system.
Also, we make every efforts to promote new product development and quality improvement to satisfy customer's requirements so that we can reduce complaints.
3. Improving productivity
We reduce costs by both eliminating nonconforming products and improving products yield.
We also aim to create value constantly by cutting production costs, reducing expenses and optimizing inventory adjustment.
4. Complying with legal and other requirements
We comply with the legal and regulatory requirements. And we meet requirements of our customers and relevant interested parties, when we provide our products and services.
5. Reducing environmental impact
We focus on the followings to resolve issues such as Global warming, ozone layer depletion, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise emission, vibration, offensive odor, etc.
(1) Manage hazardous materials properly that have impacts on the environment.
(2) Control carbon dioxide emissions by promoting less consumption of resources and energy.
(3) Promote the sound management of waste and recycling.
(4) Promote green procurement.
March 4th, 2024
President and CEO
Noritaka Ueda